Mattress Cleaning Service

If you are tired of smelling and sleeping on dirty mattresses, it’s time to call a mattress cleaning service. This company is known for its environmentally friendly cleaning process, which does not leave behind sticky residue and doesn’t require the mattress to be dry for hours. Clean Sleep uses detergent-free technology to clean mattresses without leaving behind sticky residue. They use a special protector to protect the mattress so it doesn’t get dirty or smelly again.

People spend up to 8 hours a day on their mattresses, or at least 6 hours in New York City. Their bodies constantly shed skin cells, hair, and sweat, all of which end up on their mattresses. These substances can be harmful to their health, so hiring a professional mattress cleaning service is essential to protect your investment. Not only will a mattress cleaning service keep your bed fresh-smelling, but they will also remove allergens and bacteria.

You should also make sure to choose a dry day for mattress cleaning. The drying time can range from five to eight hours, depending on the humidity. Mattresses that are cleaned early in the morning or on a weekend are best. In smaller rooms, cleaning technicians may not have enough room to reach all sides of the mattress. If you have a small bedroom, you should consider moving the mattress to an unoccupied room to avoid any obstacles for the cleaning technicians.