Dermal Fillers and Houston Plastic Surgeons

If you are considering dermal fillers, you’ll want to choose a plastic surgeon in Houston who specializes in the procedure. Plastic surgeons have advanced training in cosmetic procedures and understand the facial anatomy. Dermal fillers can help you feel and look younger, and a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in facial cosmetic surgery can perform these procedures safely and effectively.

Dermal Fillers In Houston, TX – Injectable Facial Fillers

Dermal fillers are injections of a gel substance into the skin to add volume and smooth out facial creases. The procedure takes less than 30 minutes, and is safe and temporary. During the procedure, lidocaine is injected into the skin to reduce any discomfort. This type of injectable treatment has a quick recovery time, and the results are instant.

Injectable dermal fillers are a safe, effective, and affordable way to rejuvenate your face. The procedure is quick and painless, and can help restore volume to hollowed areas of the face. Dermal fillers in Houston are available for men and women, and can provide many of the benefits of a surgical facelift without the pain and scarring. Injectable dermal fillers have become a popular cosmetic procedure in the past decade, and the selection of products is impressive.

Dermal fillers in Houston are a great way to smooth out facial wrinkles and add definition to facial features. At Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery, we offer the widest selection of FDA-approved dermal fillers in the Houston area. Dermal fillers can enhance the results of surgical procedures, and our Houston-based medical spa has state-of-the-art equipment for the procedure.