Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka

Clinical Hospital

The Chief Executive Officer is the highest-ranking official at the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, and he is responsible for the overall operation and financial performance of the facility. His team includes the Chief Financial Officer, the Deputy Medical Director, and the Director of Nursing. The Medical Director oversees the medical operations of the hospital and has policy and decision-making responsibilities. He is also responsible for ensuring patient safety and quality. All of these officials are key to the hospital’s success, and they are responsible for the overall health and safety of the facility’s patients. See this –

The Clinical Hospital Centre Is An Educational And Research Base For The University Of Rijeka School Of Medicine

The clinical hospital centre is an educational and research base for the University of Rijeka School of Medicine. Departments at the Clinical Hospital Centre include Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases, Maxillofacial Surgery, Dentistry Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Radiotherapy, Transfusion Medicine, and Laboratories. Clinical Centre staff provided treatment to nearly one million patients in a year, despite being under difficult conditions. The hospital’s staff received several awards, including the Humanist of the Year award in Bosnia in 1993.

The 1st City Clinical Hospital was founded on April 1, 1931. The hospital has six hundred regular beds, a full medical diagnostic suite, and modern equipment. It also has five branches throughout Minsk. It is also the base for internal diseases, rheumatology, cardiology, nephrology, and obstetrics. It is also home to a research center for Ayurveda.